Harmonize Your Self-Consumption With Mirubeee and Start Managing and Using the Surplus From Your Photovoltaic Installation
Optimize the Self-Consumption of Your Solar Panels
Half of self-consumers export more than they consume!
Minimize your surpluses and avoid the most expensive hours.
What Exactly Is Mirubeee?
Mirubeee is a management system for large household electrical consumption that allows you to make the most of your installation photovoltaic and avoid consumption during the most expensive hours. All this intelligently, automatically and without complications.
Mirubeee Gateway
Reads data from solar inverters every minute and allows you to act quickly.
With Mirubeee Gateway you can turn electrical loads on or off as needed.
Mirubeee Smart IR
Air Conditioning / Heat Pump.
It is a universal infrared (IR) emitter to control the air conditioning.
Mirubeee Power Plug
Hot water and electric radiator.
It is a 16A plug with electricity consumption measurement and a cut-off relay.
Mirubeee Smart Switch
Pool pump / Aerothermal.
It is a box with 16A terminals with a cut-off relay. It works similar to the Smart Plug but wired.